Making music to the glory of God.

Music is an important part of our life together in Christ.
Everyone in our community has a voice as we sing hymns together in worship. The Lutheran chorale tradition holds an important place in our hymnody, along with other hymn traditions and new hymns from the recent past. Our voices unite with Christians around the world as we praise God with song.
Worship services at Grace also include outstanding music from choirs, organ, and vocal/instrumental soloists. Cantor Michael D. Costello leads the music ministry, continuing a long-established tradition of musical excellence at Grace.
Contact Cantor, Michael Costello-
Parish Choir
This all-volunteer mixed-voice ensemble sings at the service most Sundays from September through May. The Parish Choir also sings for festival services and the monthly Bach Cantata Vespers. The choir rehearses on Wednesdays at 7:30 p.m. (7:45 p.m. during Advent and Lent).
Women's Choir
We are a small but friendly group of women, young and old, who enjoy singing together. Once a month, we provide music during worship. All are welcome. The group sings easy unison or two-part music. Musical experience is helpful, but not at all necessary. And singing is good for the soul! Even if you walk into rehearsal feeling weary or stressed after a busy day, you’ll leave refreshed and glad you came.
Bach Cantata Vespers
Bach’s sacred cantatas are performed at Grace Church in the context of the service of evening prayer, accompanied by congregational singing, instrumental preludes, and faithful preaching.
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The organ at Grace Church uplifts congregational worship and adapts well to the performance of historic and contemporary literature. The original E. M. Skinner instrument was installed in 1931 and updated in 1956 by the Schlicker Organ Company. Berghaus Pipe Organ Builders rebuilt the organ in 1986, revoicing the existing pipework and adding new ranks and a new console.
Organ Specifics