Worship Assistants

Serve in Sunday Morning Worship

In the Lutheran tradition, worship calls for the gifts and offerings of the whole people of God. Beyond the pastors, who are ordained and called to preach the Word of God and administer the sacraments, there are many people involved in making worship happen every week. There are many ways to serve, and we are always in need of new volunteers.


Altar Guild

Prepare the altar before worship and assist with clean up after worship.

Gift Bearers

Bring forward the offering and communion elements and assist with communion.


Welcome people to worship and assist during offering and communion.


Welcome people to worship.

Assisting Minister

Assist the pastor during worship and write/read the prayers of the people.


Read one scripture passage and assist with communion.


Help with the livestream.

Confirmand Roles

As a Crucifer, confirmation students lead the procession, holding high the symbol of our salvation. As a Bible Bearer, students lead the procession, carrying the stories of our faith. In communion, students receive the bread and wine at the table with the pastors and assisting ministers and then help with the distribution of communion to other worshipers.