13th Sunday After Pentecost, August 22, 2021

Holy Communion at 8:30 and 11am
Livestream at 8:25am
Bulletin for the service

Prayer of the Day
Holy God, your word feeds your people with life that is eternal. Direct our choices and preserve us in your truth, that, renouncing what is false and evil, we may live in you, through your Son, Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord. Amen.

Joshua 24:1-2a, 14-18
Psalm 34:15-22
Ephesians 6:10-20
John 6:56-69


“Flesh and Blood”
John 6:56-69

Today we reach the conclusion of Jesus’ proclamation of himself as the Bread of Life. He ends with words that are hard to understand, telling us that those who eat his flesh and drink his blood abide in him and will live forever. Many who had followed him up to that point turned away from Jesus because of these words. What they did not understand is that Jesus would give his flesh and blood upon the cross for the sake of the world. His death and resurrection have become the lifeblood of creation, the feast of our redemption, in which we partake again today. Jesus’ words are difficult, but they are gracious. This Bread is all we need. Let us, with Joshua, put away all other idols and false hopes. Let our household worship this God alone.

As We Gather at Your Table, ELW 522
O Jesus, I Have Promised, LBW 503
Eat This Bread, Drink This Cup, WOV 706
Jesus, Come! For We Invite You, WOV 648
Father, We Thank You, WOV 704

ELW, Evangelical Lutheran Worship
LBW, Lutheran Book of Worship
WOV, With One Voice

In our prayers we remember Lutheran Social Services of Illinois.