High School Opportunities

  • Monthly Brunch at I-Hop: March 16, April 27, and May 18

    We will meet after church in the Atrium and then drive to IHOP together. All are welcome! Click the button below to RSVP.

    Sign Up Here
  • Beyond Hunger Service Project: March 15 at 10 a.m.

    We will be serving our neighbors at the Beyond Hunger Food Pantry distribution center. Volunteers support the distribution with some of the following tasks: packing food boxes, bagging produce, or working as a valet to load client cars with their monthly food distribution. This is a great opportunity for us to be the hands and feet of Jesus. We will meet at First United Church in Oak Park on Lake Street that day. Click the link below to RSVP.

    Sign Up Here
  • Summer High School Mission Trip: July 27 to August 3

    Once we register as a group, we will find out where exactly we will be going, but the group so far is interested in going to West Virginia. The cost of the trip should only be $200 per person. There is still room for more people. Reach out to Pastor Troy (tmedlin@graceriverforest.org) if you are interested in attending.