Fellowship Groups

Together in Christ

We Work, Serve, and Celebrate Together

As members of a community committed to Christ, we share our lives and faith with one another. As we work and talk together and share one another’s burdens, we grow in wisdom and understanding.

Many of our fellowship activities involve food, from simple suppers during Advent and Lent to a big church picnic at the end of the summer. Grace Church has a long tradition of gracious hospitality, with a warm and caring welcome for all. Make new friends as you share a meal in Fellowship Hall or as you help to prepare food in the kitchen.

Fellowship groups

You're Invited!

Every month, there are multiple groups that meet for fellowship and community. If you are interested in joining the group, stop by or contact the Church Office.

Contact Us


Meet: Wednesdays at 10 a.m.
Location: Church Library
We are a group of senior citizens who meet weekly for fellowship and Bible Study. Once a month, we have a chapel service followed by lunch. We use Today’s Readings from the Lectionary as our basis for the Bible study. Everyone is welcome to join at any time.

Dads of Grace

Fourth Monday of the month at 7:30 p.m.
Location: Off-site
We are a group of men in our church and school community who have children, at home or in college. We gather monthly, often in someone’s backyard, to catch up, reflect on faith and life, and offer support to one another in the journey of fatherhood. It’s always a great time, and new people are always welcome.

Faith Forum

Second Tuesday of the month at 10 a.m.
Location: Church Library
We are a group that meet monthly for a discussion on a certain topic. Past presentations have ranged from theology and ministry to social and political issues as well as music, art, and poetry. Some recent presentations have focused on Israel, Palestine, and the war in Gaza; the changing face of the ELCA; local effects of climate change; reflections of an army chaplain; and the interpretation of Orthodox icons. Presenters include familiar faces from the Grace community, as well as seminary professors, pastors from other churches, and leaders of non-profits. For the current month’s topic, check out Grace Notes or our Weekly Announcements.

Finding Hope

Second Friday of the Month at 10 a.m.
Location: Church Library
The support group for people with chronic illness.

Knitting Group

Third Tuesday of the Month at 1 p.m.
Location: Church Library
We are a group of crafters who meet to knit or crochet together. Beginners are welcome, and we will teach you if you want to learn.

Men of Grace

Fourth Saturday of the month at 9 a.m.
Location: Youth Center
We are a group that meets at Grace for coffee, donuts, community, and connection. All are welcome!

Moms of High School Teens and Young Adults

Fellowship for women whose children are growing up into adulthood. We meet every couple of months. Check out Grace Notes or our weekly announcements for the next meeting,

Moms of Littles

First and Third Thursday of the Month at 6:30 a.m.
Location: Youth Center
We are a fellowship group for moms of children ages infant – 8th grade. Our intention is to build and maintain a faith-based community that supports each other as we navigate the journey of parenthood. All moms are welcome in this group regardless of church or school affiliation.

Religion in Literature

Third Friday of the Month at 7:30 p.m.
Location: Off-site
We are a group who meet monthly to discuss different books. For more information on the current topic and location, check out Grace Notes or our Weekly Announcements.

Theology on Tap

October 25 and November 22 at 7 p.m.
Location: One Lake Brewing Company in Oak Park
We are a gathering designed for young adults and is open to anybody who identifies as a young adult in body or in spirit. The more the merrier. Pastor Troy brings a topic and some questions, and we wrestle with a topic together. Curiosity, questions, and different perspectives are always welcome.

Yoga Class

Thursdays from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m.
Location: Fellowship Hall
Everyone is welcome. Prior yoga experience is not required! Classes, which take place in Fellowship Hall, are gentle and focus on alignment for strength and flexibility. Please bring a yoga mat, a yoga block if you have one, and a large towel (beach towels work well) or a blanket with you to class. Also dress in clothing that you can comfortably move around in. Fee for the class is a free-will offering which goes to the church.