Worship at Grace Lutheran Church

  • Worship with Holy Communion: Sundays at 10 a.m.

    In-person and Online
    Our weekly service features traditional liturgies as we proclaim God’s Word and celebrate the sacraments.  Music includes congregation singing led by our organ and choirs. We use prayers and readings to express our identity as the people of God and celebrate our unity with Christians across the ages. For communion, we welcome all baptized Christians to the table where Christ is host.

    Jan. 19 Livestream Link
  • Sunday Bulletin

    What a time to run out of wine! Jesus, on the third day since his baptism, finds himself at a wedding. To the horror of the wedding planner, no doubt, the wine gives out before the people do. Emptiness emerges in the midst of celebration. Jesus’ presence, however, changes everything. Using simple water and six stone jars, Jesus produces wine of the finest quality, and in abundance. In Jesus, the rites of purification give way to God’s provision. This first of Jesus’ signs is hidden; there are few who know the wine’s provenance. But this first sign begins to show forth who Jesus is. He is the One who, on another third day, will emerge from the old ways of death as the first, and best, fruit of the new creation.

    Bulletin for Jan. 19
  • Weekly Announcements

    To find out what is happening at Grace, click the link below.

    Announcements for the week of Jan. 19