Children's Ministry

Children are disciples too! At Grace they learn about Jesus’ love for them and how they can share this love with others in their homes, school and community.

Register for Sunday School
  • Sunday School

    Sunday School

    Grace Church’s youngest members come to Sunday School classes on Sunday mornings, starting in preschool and continuing through 6th grade. Sunday School meets at 8:45am, September through May. Children explore Bible stories and learn about God’s love for them and what they are called to do as Jesus’ disciples. Sunday mornings include songs, videos, crafts and service projects.

  • Communion Instruction

    Communion Instruction

    The next retreat will be on Feb. 28 at 5:30 p.m. Click the “learn more” at the bottom to sign up. Fourth graders and their parents are invited to attend the Communion Retreat, led by Grace’s pastors on a Friday evening during Lent. They learn about the sacrament of Holy Communion. Children who already receive communion are encouraged to attend the retreat along with children who are preparing to receive communion for the first time. At the retreat students create a clay chalice to commemorate this important milestone in their faith life. Students also decorate a white garment with symbols of their life and faith. Children younger than 4th grade are welcome to receive Holy Communion at Grace Church. Please talk with one of the pastors if you or your young child have questions about taking communion.

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  • Vacation Bible School

    Vacation Bible School

    In the summer, children ages 3 through rising 5th graders enjoy a full week of fun at Vacation Bible School. Classes meet in the morning for songs and opening worship, followed by Bible stories, games, crafts, and snacks. The next date will be June 9-13, 2025. Click “learn more” to sign up!

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