Encounters with Christ: Lent at Grace
On Wednesday, February 22, we will gather for Ash Wednesday worship. We will confess our sins, admit our mortality, and be marked with ashen crosses. We will also be fed and nourished with the body and blood of Jesus Christ. So begins the season of Lent and our journey to the cross and the empty tomb. This year, our theme is “Encounters with Christ”. This focus emerges from our Sunday readings, in which Jesus encounters, in succession, the devil, Nicodemus, the woman at the well, the man born blind, and dead Lazarus. On Palm Sunday/Sunday of the Passion, he encounters in full the forces of sin, evil, and death. While all seems lost, he will rise to encounter us once more with the promise of forgiveness and life. This theme will give shape to our worship life throughout the season, as well as to our daily devotions. Join us on the journey, as Christ encounters us anew this year.
The Rev. David R. Lyle
Senior Pastor
Grace Lutheran Church & School