Appalachia Service Project 2023

During the summer, our youth had the opportunity to spend a week serving, worshipping and experiencing fellowship in the state of Virginia. The group of six joined Pastor Troy and Scott Street, who chaperoned, on a drive through four states into the greenest parts of the country to build and restore the homes of local families. After their arrival back to Grace, each of these young people shared the highlights of their time at the Appalachia Service Project mission trip: 

“I loved connecting with the family I was serving and seeing God’s love and presence through that connection.” 

– Anne Claud 

“The ASP trip has helped me strengthen my faith through God by helping those in need of service. I really enjoyed my first year at ASP because it was a new experience for me and each day was better than the previous!” 

– Ryan Koehne 

“ASP gave me a new mindset. It made me feel more connected to myself and more aware of my connection to God.” 

– Peter Armstrong 


“I enjoyed seeing how happy the homeowner was when we showed him the finished product.” 

– Andrew Henderson 

“Overall, this mission trip was a humbling experience, and for me it as a reminder to not take basic things for granted.” 

– Sophia Augustine


“I really enjoyed getting to know everyone better and seeing our work make someone’s life a little better.”

– Sammy Armstrong

Grace is grateful for the leaders who volunteered to chaperone and for our siblings in Christ, who made this summer a season of giving, sharing and receiving. How delightful it is to be reminded that God’s work never stops!