Sunday School

Photo of Grace Gathers

Sundays at 8:45 a.m. (September through May)

We will start our Sundays off with Grace Gathers in Fellowship Hall where Pastor Lyle leads us in scripture, conversation, and prayer. Afterwards, groups will be invited to go to their respective room. Leaders and Shepherds will guide Sunday School children to their class locations.

Sunday School
(Grade PreK to 6)
Children are disciples too! At Grace they learn about Jesus’ love for them and how they can share this love with others in their homes, school and community. Activities include songs, videos, crafts and service projects.

(Grade 7-8)
Partnering with parents, teachers, and adult mentors, confirmation students explore their Christian identity as they learn about themselves and their unique role in God’s creation. Classes focus on preparation for confirmation using the Bible and Martin Luther’s Small Catechism to explore and reflect upon their Lutheran Christian identity. Confirmands affirm their baptismal vows at the beginning of their 9th-grade year, presenting a Witness Statement and participating in the Rite of Confirmation. 

High School Opportunities
Once a month, high school students meet with Pastor Troy for fellowship, food, and conversation. Students also have the opportunity to participate in service projects and use their gifts to serve alongside adult volunteers on summer mission trips and volunteer for church activities. Every three years, we also travel to the annual ELCA Youth Gathering for a week of interactive learning, worship, Bible study, service and fellowship.  

Adult Faith Formation
Thoughtful people often have questions about God, the Bible, our Christian tradition and the world we live in.  Each week will feature a discussion topic, book study, or a Bible Study to give us a chance to explore our faith together and what it means in our lives. 

Making Disciples
Interested in learning more about Grace or becoming a member? You are invited to gather for exploration on what Christians believe, especially Lutheran Christians, and how we live into that faith here at Grace.