Serving Our Community for the Holidays
It's Turkey Time!
It's Turkey Time!
The sisters at Fraternite Notre Dame are making plans for their Annual Thanksgiving dinner for our neighbors in the Austin area, and they are in need of at least 100 turkeys and 50 pies in order to serve the hundreds of neighbors who come for dinner at their church. Feel free to either donate money (and Susan Foran will do the shopping), the actual turkey (frozen or fresh), or the pumpkin pies. Please bring the items or your checks (made out to Sue Foran) to church by Sunday Nov. 17.
Giving Tree
Giving Tree
Grace’s Social Ministry Committee invites you to take a tag or two from the tree in the Atrium and purchase a gift or a gift card for children in need this holiday season. Unwrapped gifts and gift cards should be returned to Grace with their corresponding tags by Dec. 8 unless otherwise noted on the tag.
Sponsor a Stocking
Sponsor a Stocking
Grace’s Social Ministry Committee invites you to take a stocking and return it to the front desk with your $25 sponsorship fee. The money raised will help fill stockings with hats, gloves, toe warmers, hand warmers and other items for homeless young adults served by the Night Ministry.