Sunday, January 19
Operation Deluge (before and after worship)
Stop and send a word of encouragement to a member of our faith community. -
Sunday, January 26
Bach Cantata Vespers at 4 p.m. (Sanctuary)
Bach’s cantata for the third Sunday after Epiphany is based on a Reformation-era chorale text by Albert, Duke of Prussia, published in 1554. The scoring for this cantata is consistent with a Sunday less festive in nature, using only strings, oboes, and continuo. The spirited music expresses complete trust in God, in life’s trials and in the face of death. -
Slovak Mission Trip: June 26 to July 8
Center for Christian Education (CCE)’s Vacation Bible School generates an abundance of interest and applications to attend. The number of applicants that the CCE can accept for the program depends on how many volunteers we can bring. Just one more volunteer means that 10 more kids can come to VBS to learn about Jesus and His love for them. There are different roles to fill, using different gifts. What is needed most are your love, smile, and desire to share with the children. If you are interested in attending, contact Pastor Dave Lyle (dlyle@graceriverforest.org)