Back together in Christ
by Pastor Dave Lyle
Not so long ago, it looked like we were heading toward the beginning of a new ministry year that would have a pre-pandemic feel to it. Unfortunately, the surge driven by the Delta variant has forced a rethinking of things, and we are still wearing masks in worship, still being cautious about large indoor gatherings.
Nevertheless, God is good. As we lean into our vision to be “Together in Christ: To love, to grow, to serve,” we see that God continues to bless us abundantly at Grace.
I invite you to consider the fall season as a time to return to in-person worship if you’ve been away for a while. Yes, we continue to wear masks, but our love for the Lord and our joy of being together cannot be covered up.
Though we all have different comfort levels about gathering with others during these days, I invite you to consider the fall season as a time to return to in-person worship if you’ve been away for a while. Yes, we continue to wear masks, but our love for the Lord and our joy of being together cannot be covered up.
Starting in September, worship will look and sound even more like it did before the pandemic. Our Parish Choir will be singing for worship services on Sundays beginning September 5. On September 12, we will resume having a full complement of worship leaders in the chancel, including confirmands as cross and Bible-bearers. There’s an intriguing Adult Ed program scheduled for that morning, and we plan to have the nursery open during both worship services and during the Adult Ed hour starting September 12. We’ll also celebrate the new ministry season and the installation of new teachers at Grace School with refreshments outside after worship.
What better way to show and share our love than to actually be together? I hope to see you soon!
And for those who aren’t quite ready to return to in-person services, for whatever reasons, live-streaming of our 8:30 service will continue.
The Parish Choir (formerly known as the Senior Choir) will also be live and in person at the first Bach Cantata Vespers of the year on September 26 at 3:45 p.m. The cantata for that day, BWV 29, is one of praise and thanksgiving to the God who blesses and cares for us in all things.
Growth is evident all around us at Grace. Grace School opened on August 24 with an enrollment of 191 students, nearly 50 of whom are new to our school! We have also welcomed a number of gifted new teachers to our faculty.
Meanwhile, in Children and Family Ministry, Confirmation classes are set to begin on September 19 and Sunday School classes on October 19. Pastor Troy is giving special attention to our high school ministries, with Teen Talk resuming in the Youth Room on September 12 at 9:45am.
God is up to so much that is good at Grace Lutheran Church and School. Challenges and uncertainties abound during these days, but we continueu to give thanks for the ways God brings us together in Christ.
Opportunities to serve are plentiful at Grace. By the time you read this, our new refugee ministry will have welcomed a family of refugees from Burma to Chicago and will be supporting them as they begin a new life here. Keep an eye out for ways that you can contribute as the Social Ministry Committee, Grace Care and other projects continue to serve people in need in our congregation and beyond.
God is up to so much that is good at Grace Lutheran Church and School. Challenges and uncertainties abound during these days, but our faith is unshaken, founded as it is upon the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. I continue to give thanks for the ways that God has held us together during these past months and look forward to the many ways we can reconnect for the sake of mission and ministry in the days to come.