Sixth Sunday After Epiphany
February 13, 2022
Holy Communion at 8:30 and 11am
Livestream at 8:25am
Bulletin for the service
Prayer of the Day
Living God, in Christ you make all things new. Transform the poverty of our nature by the riches of your grace, and in the renewal of our lives make known your glory, through Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord. Amen.
Jeremiah 17:5-10
Psalm 1
1 Corinthians 15:12-20
Luke 6:17-26
“A Plainspoken Savior”
Luke 6:17-26; Psalm 1
Here on the level plain, Jesus gives it to us straight. These are not the cross-stitched Beatitudes we remember from Matthew’s Gospel. Instead, the blessings are for the down-to-earth sufferers. The hungry, the poor, the weeping, the hated. And after the blessings, woes! Woe to you who are rich, full, laughing, respected. Here on the plain, Jesus acknowledges that there’s good and bad in the world; good and bad in our hearts. There are those who take too much for themselves, and those who never have enough. But Jesus declares that this will not always be the case. The status quo won’t last forever. Paul preaches a hope that is guaranteed through the resurrection of Christ. Jesus invites us to make manifest that hope in the world today.
Praise the Almighty, LBW 539
When Our World Is Rent by Violence, ACS 1052
Canticle of the Turning, ELW 723
Let Justice Flow Like Streams, WOV 763
LBW, Lutheran Book of Worship
ACS, All Creation Sings
ELW, Evangelical Lutheran Worship
WOV, With One Voice
In our prayers we remember Refugee One.